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How can I get a refund?

We're sorry, there are no refunds; all purchases are final.

How do I retrieve my purchased reosurces?

All purchased reosurces are emailed to you.

What's the catch?

There is no catch, honestly! We're just educators looking to make an intentional, unapologetic, generational difference. 

Do I still own my published content?

Absolutely, we're just promoting your creativity!

How can I view what I've sold and how much I've sold in real time?

Unfortunately, we're still working on this. Continue to support us and we promise this feature will be made available soon!

What material can I submit?

Great question! Anything BIPOC centered that can be taught in school and/or utilized at home.

How can I remove my published content?

Easy. Contact us and we'll take it down for you. 

Do I have to open a new shop every time I want to publish content?

For now, yes.

Do I have to be a BIPOC person to publish my work on PRSPCTIV?

No, absolutely not! At PRSPCTIV, we recognize we have allies who are committed to achieving social justice.

Message us directly

We're happy to support, just send us a message.

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